As the Better Half has shown you, we did Molten Core last night, now admittedly it wasn't my first time killing Ragnaros, but it was my first full clear of the place.....well first full clear of all the bosses. That place is huge. But I thought I'd share my few screenshots of the last boss.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
A different path
(Forgive me but this is my first attempt at an RP post, be gentle.)
I am a paladin, a warrior of the Light, give me a place to stand and I shall prove my mettle. I have earned my place among those of the Argent Crusade and Argent Dawn, I am not well known, but I am known as one with whom to stand and fight. I have been a mentor to many of my Blood Elf brethren and others in the fight against the Scourge threat and the ways of the Light. But it is this that has caused me to doubt my path forward. I have led a solitary life to this point, not through any real conscious thought, but I have formed friendships with some that I have mentored.
One such friendship is with Naofa. He is someone I would gladly have by my side on the battlefield, and have done so in the past. Over time he has told me much about his family and in particular his cousin Pilfkin. What he has said has touched my heart, she seemed as though a kindred spirit in so many ways, but was it just a cousin's bias in his descriptions? I sought her out and having seen her in the company of Naofa I have to say she is a beauty, but there is such a sadness about her, so that part of his description was truthful.
It has been so long since I have done something like this I was, I am, unsure of what to do. I have sent her a gift and have received a response that she enjoys it and would be willing to meet with me when we are both in the city.
I hope this all works out for the best.
I am a paladin, a warrior of the Light, give me a place to stand and I shall prove my mettle. I have earned my place among those of the Argent Crusade and Argent Dawn, I am not well known, but I am known as one with whom to stand and fight. I have been a mentor to many of my Blood Elf brethren and others in the fight against the Scourge threat and the ways of the Light. But it is this that has caused me to doubt my path forward. I have led a solitary life to this point, not through any real conscious thought, but I have formed friendships with some that I have mentored.
One such friendship is with Naofa. He is someone I would gladly have by my side on the battlefield, and have done so in the past. Over time he has told me much about his family and in particular his cousin Pilfkin. What he has said has touched my heart, she seemed as though a kindred spirit in so many ways, but was it just a cousin's bias in his descriptions? I sought her out and having seen her in the company of Naofa I have to say she is a beauty, but there is such a sadness about her, so that part of his description was truthful.
It has been so long since I have done something like this I was, I am, unsure of what to do. I have sent her a gift and have received a response that she enjoys it and would be willing to meet with me when we are both in the city.
I hope this all works out for the best.
Monday, April 19, 2010
The pets of Shisato
I mentioned my pets and how come the next expansion how I will be looking forward to the increased stables. So I thought I would introduce you to them.
Or in other words lsdwaspodoom. It sad but she is too big to take into instances, especially under the effects of this. I dare not get rid of her for a smaller model because she is well this.
I have had Anbhás basically since level 10, however along the way I changed model from this to this. For the sole reason of it changing colours. The version above is my favourite of the three colours.
Suffice to say I was told to get a wolf, so I thought I'd be different, well when I got him I was different, I see more of this particular model around every day.
What can I say I needed a tanking pet on occasion, so here he is. What can I say I like white bears, he was briefly changed to a gorilla, not for the normal reason the original bear was actually released so I could catch the next pet, but I got him back when Thunderstomp became a talent rather than a specific spell.
I was really lucky in getting this pet. I just love the model and it is my default pet for all occasions, even now I get positive comments on her. What more can I say.
And there you have it, my pets.





And there you have it, my pets.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Cataclysm and I
Right by now everyone who wishes to see the Cataclysm class previews has done so, so I thought, why not do a review of sorts from my point of view and that of the toons I play. You have been warned.
Right I'll do this in no particular order.
Right, overall the combo point overhaul is a good thing, I think, at least how I'm reading it. The removal of the weapon specializations just make it that much easier to play, and maybe I'll finaly hit the end cap with a day.
The mage changes seem to be focused on fire, or that seems to be my interpretation of it anyway, but I've always been interested in frost in some form or another, even when the end talent was lacklustre at best. But the frost mastery, Deathfrost, looks like it will be a lot of fun, especially of you count in Brain Freeze and the Arcane Missile change.
The soul shard change has been a long time coming and I think the direction they are taking looks to be interesting. Though the most important thing is that the future looks Green.
Now how can I put my joy into words......hmmm......'come here little roguey.....I won't hurt you.....much.....' *evil grin*
Yes I'm feral.
Weeeeeee, more buffs. I just glad they didn't make any more changes to seals, that was my biggest worry. Though the wording on Blinding Shield makes me nervous, just from a logistics point of view if nothing else. Also Healing Hands looks like it could be a great 'Oh shit!' button for tanks, but who knows yet.
Death Knight
The biggest thing for me out of all this is that Blood will be the tanking build, I'm worried that more people will take up Frost as a result, I like Frost, it helps distinguish me from all the nabs out there.
Spirit will be my hit.......what the hell? Oh but I get more that'll work for me.
When I play warriors I play Arms, so all in all I think things are looking good for me, the Inner Rage thing looks especially fun though.
Last but no means least....
I'm really happy about the stable changes, I need more slots, I really do. I might explain that at a later date, but not now. The focus changes? With experience I might be able to give you my view but seeing it from the abstract I have no clue. The ammo change, or rather the removal of arrows and quivers, yes and bullets and pouches, but I see it it as arrows. I'm not a big fan of this, true it'll save me gold in the long term, but at a loss of such things as this and the quiver model shown on my characters back? I'm just not sure it worth it. Petty aren't I?
I said last didn't I, but as I'm sure you may have noticed I missed out on priests, there is a reason for this, the Better Half plays a priest, if I did such a thing, she'd have to play a tank and though in my head it may sound fun , I have been told in no uncertain terms that this would be a bad thing, so I think I'll stay clear of priests. Especially as I got an early birthday present in the form of this from her. You want to know what is a really hard decision choosing which account got it, I have two, that was a painful few minutes, I mean I had to think hard. Thinking isn't my strong point......I'm not sure what is....maybe tangents......can tangents be a strong point....what was I talking about again....
Right I'll do this in no particular order.
Right, overall the combo point overhaul is a good thing, I think, at least how I'm reading it. The removal of the weapon specializations just make it that much easier to play, and maybe I'll finaly hit the end cap with a day.
The mage changes seem to be focused on fire, or that seems to be my interpretation of it anyway, but I've always been interested in frost in some form or another, even when the end talent was lacklustre at best. But the frost mastery, Deathfrost, looks like it will be a lot of fun, especially of you count in Brain Freeze and the Arcane Missile change.
The soul shard change has been a long time coming and I think the direction they are taking looks to be interesting. Though the most important thing is that the future looks Green.
Now how can I put my joy into words......hmmm......'come here little roguey.....I won't hurt you.....much.....' *evil grin*
Yes I'm feral.
Weeeeeee, more buffs. I just glad they didn't make any more changes to seals, that was my biggest worry. Though the wording on Blinding Shield makes me nervous, just from a logistics point of view if nothing else. Also Healing Hands looks like it could be a great 'Oh shit!' button for tanks, but who knows yet.
Death Knight
The biggest thing for me out of all this is that Blood will be the tanking build, I'm worried that more people will take up Frost as a result, I like Frost, it helps distinguish me from all the nabs out there.
Spirit will be my hit.......what the hell? Oh but I get more that'll work for me.
When I play warriors I play Arms, so all in all I think things are looking good for me, the Inner Rage thing looks especially fun though.
Last but no means least....
I'm really happy about the stable changes, I need more slots, I really do. I might explain that at a later date, but not now. The focus changes? With experience I might be able to give you my view but seeing it from the abstract I have no clue. The ammo change, or rather the removal of arrows and quivers, yes and bullets and pouches, but I see it it as arrows. I'm not a big fan of this, true it'll save me gold in the long term, but at a loss of such things as this and the quiver model shown on my characters back? I'm just not sure it worth it. Petty aren't I?
I said last didn't I, but as I'm sure you may have noticed I missed out on priests, there is a reason for this, the Better Half plays a priest, if I did such a thing, she'd have to play a tank and though in my head it may sound fun , I have been told in no uncertain terms that this would be a bad thing, so I think I'll stay clear of priests. Especially as I got an early birthday present in the form of this from her. You want to know what is a really hard decision choosing which account got it, I have two, that was a painful few minutes, I mean I had to think hard. Thinking isn't my strong point......I'm not sure what is....maybe tangents......can tangents be a strong point....what was I talking about again....
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
A lot has changed in the last month. I have made Argent Dawn my home now, as I'm sure the Better Half has too. As it is an Role-Playing server I was worried initially about how she would cope with it, but not for myself, as though I have RP'd before she hadn't. As I'm sure you all know, those worries were unfounded, and if I am being perfectly honest I feel both a bit jealous and intimidated by how well she has done in this regard. I guess I can put it down to playing my toons as me rather then as them.....did that make any sense?...ah well carrying on.
Right as this is now my home, I felt guilty about leaving my 80's on my old home server, however I felt I owed the guild I was in not to desert them, even though I had barely logged on in about 3 months or raided since before 3.3 hit. But as I was trying to think about what to do, I noticed a new thread on the guild forum, they were going to transfer server, to try and get into a larger pool of players, so as to increase their raider pool, which was in difficulty, even before I stopped raiding.So in the end Fiach, Fiatim and Naofa transferred over to AD.
The problem was that I already had a Naofa on the server, so Naofa, the first, became Afaon. I know it not an actual reverse, but this name apparently means Lawgiver or some such, so cool, unintentional, but cool. And here he is in his rp outfit.
It wasn't an intentional outfit though, he's had it in his bank since the pre-Wrath event, but he is fairy unique among the rest of the paladins kicking round I think.
Fiach had a similar problem in that his name was already taken, not by me, but the result is the same. So Fiach became Shisato, a name I pulled from MtG. Something I played a lot at Uni, but no more. Ah well, the cards have been 'inherited' but my brother so money not really wasted I guess. Anyhow here he is.
Fiatim is still himself, still a Night Elf and still called Fiatim, aren't unique names fun? So no real point posting a pic of him, but what the hell.
A fun fact about Fiatim, his gear is.....well how to put this, it's Naxx 25 gear with the odd piece of Ulduar 10/25 and TotC 25, why is this fun you may ask. Simple there is a complaint going round that people farm heroics and buy T-9 with no real sense on how to play, my gear may be worse in regards ilevel to those I may pug with, but by hell it shows I know what I'm doing. Also make me laugh that in caster form I have more health than the dps, with their 'uber' gear. It amazing how fast they shut up about my 'lack' of gear. Actually if I think about it, most of my toons seem to 'lack' in gear compared to others, yet I hold my own when I have to, always fun when that happens.
On a not completed unrelated note my screenshots folder is a mess, so I think I'll go sort that out.
Right as this is now my home, I felt guilty about leaving my 80's on my old home server, however I felt I owed the guild I was in not to desert them, even though I had barely logged on in about 3 months or raided since before 3.3 hit. But as I was trying to think about what to do, I noticed a new thread on the guild forum, they were going to transfer server, to try and get into a larger pool of players, so as to increase their raider pool, which was in difficulty, even before I stopped raiding.So in the end Fiach, Fiatim and Naofa transferred over to AD.
The problem was that I already had a Naofa on the server, so Naofa, the first, became Afaon. I know it not an actual reverse, but this name apparently means Lawgiver or some such, so cool, unintentional, but cool. And here he is in his rp outfit.

Fiach had a similar problem in that his name was already taken, not by me, but the result is the same. So Fiach became Shisato, a name I pulled from MtG. Something I played a lot at Uni, but no more. Ah well, the cards have been 'inherited' but my brother so money not really wasted I guess. Anyhow here he is.

Fiatim is still himself, still a Night Elf and still called Fiatim, aren't unique names fun? So no real point posting a pic of him, but what the hell.

On a not completed unrelated note my screenshots folder is a mess, so I think I'll go sort that out.
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