*looks around at the choices he has*
*looks back at the road so far travelled*
Now what?
But of course one step at a time.
*prepares to take that first step*
Didn't you know the first step is the hardest and I'm scared of making it.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
The Grand Experiment: Results(?)
Right then, the results of my week long experiment, hmm results is that the right word ah well you'll see in but a moment, I realise this post is a bit late, but nobody is perfect.
Still a-farming for the mount. No joy thus far, had I got it my screams of joy would have been heard no matter where you are reading this from.
I did a slightly(?) stupid(?) thing Sunday, I did 12 hours of sanity tapping on him, did about 13+ instances all told. On the plus side I somehow got grouped with Zal early on so that made it a bit more bearable. Getting groups is instant as a tank, so all ye whiners who complain about queues, go roll a tank.....or a healer.....actually don't....that would lessen my speed at getting groups. I may, may, have burned myself out slightly on PUGs, I didn't realise how long I had been at it till I stopped.
Slowly levelling Blacksmithing, once I get to Northrend level of skill I'll stop and worry about levelling once more.
Has gotten sick of all the trees in Feralas and gone to Outland to quest, that and the fact he needs to be a bit higher to solo stuff like Dire Maul etc.
This was the biggest success of the week, got to level 50 and all professions seem to be up to scratch, especially Lockpicking. I'm proud of that I am.
And that is what I did for the week, roughly.
Still a-farming for the mount. No joy thus far, had I got it my screams of joy would have been heard no matter where you are reading this from.
I did a slightly(?) stupid(?) thing Sunday, I did 12 hours of sanity tapping on him, did about 13+ instances all told. On the plus side I somehow got grouped with Zal early on so that made it a bit more bearable. Getting groups is instant as a tank, so all ye whiners who complain about queues, go roll a tank.....or a healer.....actually don't....that would lessen my speed at getting groups. I may, may, have burned myself out slightly on PUGs, I didn't realise how long I had been at it till I stopped.
Slowly levelling Blacksmithing, once I get to Northrend level of skill I'll stop and worry about levelling once more.
Has gotten sick of all the trees in Feralas and gone to Outland to quest, that and the fact he needs to be a bit higher to solo stuff like Dire Maul etc.
This was the biggest success of the week, got to level 50 and all professions seem to be up to scratch, especially Lockpicking. I'm proud of that I am.
And that is what I did for the week, roughly.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
The Grand Experiment
Right then, this is a where I am type post, in two parts, the reason behind the title is the first part is now, obviously, the second part is this time, ish, next week. Why a week? I have a week off work....and I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do with myself, so I though why not? So here we are, Murphy help me. I'd say 'god/elune/the light help me', but Murphy is scarier.
Right to the list of toons in this debacle of a post, in no particular order, Fiatim, Afaon, Shisato, Lobh, Naofa, Nalac, Seilg, Athru.
Poor guy, gets logged onto once a day to try and farm the raven mount. He is also the measure stick that I judge tanks by, a little unfair I know, as he is a druid, but I use his caster form health pool, not his bear form. But considering the source of his gear, and where tanks get their gear now, it a fair measure in some ways.
Is slowly gearing up as a tank, that is not to say he doesn't have tank gear, more so that he needs better gear......or I'm just vain, not sure which. Also doing a bit of pvp, I want the set. Or possibly the higher versions....ok I am vain, Afaon is a belf it is what he is. He is also flying round and round and round mining.
He is also gearing up, and proving to nabs that Beast Mastery is a viable spec......yeah my trash dps sucks, I run round with Viper up, I save Hawk and my cooldowns for bosses. Also am making gold through Leather Working.
Lobh is as ever questing, and yet more questing, am aiming for both Loremaster and Seeker with him, but I think I better go to Outland for a bit so I can solo instances better.
Currently on hiatus, until stockpile of ore from Afaon has amassed to get Blacksmithing up.
Also on hiatus.....may start pvp on him......or something I dunno......not sure why he on hiatus...errrr....
*shrugs* Moving along.
Leveling slowly, while leveling Lockpicking......it harder than it looks....honest.
Log on, make gem, log off, repeat for stack of mats, once mats finished sell them.....seems to working well for me, albeit slowly. Also an informal bank alt.....or buyer of stuff on AH.....mneh....
Well this is where I am, we'll see where I am in a week.
Right to the list of toons in this debacle of a post, in no particular order, Fiatim, Afaon, Shisato, Lobh, Naofa, Nalac, Seilg, Athru.
Poor guy, gets logged onto once a day to try and farm the raven mount. He is also the measure stick that I judge tanks by, a little unfair I know, as he is a druid, but I use his caster form health pool, not his bear form. But considering the source of his gear, and where tanks get their gear now, it a fair measure in some ways.
Is slowly gearing up as a tank, that is not to say he doesn't have tank gear, more so that he needs better gear......or I'm just vain, not sure which. Also doing a bit of pvp, I want the set. Or possibly the higher versions....ok I am vain, Afaon is a belf it is what he is. He is also flying round and round and round mining.
He is also gearing up, and proving to nabs that Beast Mastery is a viable spec......yeah my trash dps sucks, I run round with Viper up, I save Hawk and my cooldowns for bosses. Also am making gold through Leather Working.
Lobh is as ever questing, and yet more questing, am aiming for both Loremaster and Seeker with him, but I think I better go to Outland for a bit so I can solo instances better.
Currently on hiatus, until stockpile of ore from Afaon has amassed to get Blacksmithing up.
Also on hiatus.....may start pvp on him......or something I dunno......not sure why he on hiatus...errrr....
*shrugs* Moving along.
Leveling slowly, while leveling Lockpicking......it harder than it looks....honest.
Log on, make gem, log off, repeat for stack of mats, once mats finished sell them.....seems to working well for me, albeit slowly. Also an informal bank alt.....or buyer of stuff on AH.....mneh....
Well this is where I am, we'll see where I am in a week.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Cataclysm Professions Preview and a question.
Right, I'll assume that those who want to have read the previews. Now, as the Better Half doesn't want to know anything on the expansion and tends to be my sounding wall in regards how good my posts are, this will be my views on what is in the preview without actually saying anything meaningful or earth-shattering unless you know to what I reference. May be an exercise in futility, but it'll get my mind working at least, I hope. The question I will put to you in at the end after the next (>'.')>
Right then......to avoid spoilers further I think I'll write this in blue.
Right then. Oo shiney upon shiney, or so it appears. Three of my characters are going to enjoy new pets, wahey. The ability for Tailoring, Leatherworking and Blacksmithing to craft entry level pvp gear for each season is nice, as I'm a big fan of the Savage gear at the moment....though more for looks than you know pvp......I'm getting better at it though. What I do like though, cos of my currently maxed Alchemist is the suggestion in regards them and, well, everyone else :) I so hope it's a transmute. I know this will be an actual reference...but only one new stone? Ya what now? And engineers will be able to make more than guns? Squee!! And leads nicely into my question.
Right then, my question, I will be creating both a Worgen and a Goblin. Now as it stands the Worgen will be a hunter, not sure yet as to what the Goblin will be. But I was thinking of making an engineer, but which to make, Goblin or Worgen? Goblin of course has strong RP reasons, but as a hunter engineering could be very useful, even without ammo. Now I know that Skinning and Leatherworking would work well off of the Worgen racial but I already have 3 or is it 4 of them. But I have more Horde, so bikes for all....maybe. So, anyone any ideas? Anyone even reading this? *sighs*
Right then......to avoid spoilers further I think I'll write this in blue.
Right then. Oo shiney upon shiney, or so it appears. Three of my characters are going to enjoy new pets, wahey. The ability for Tailoring, Leatherworking and Blacksmithing to craft entry level pvp gear for each season is nice, as I'm a big fan of the Savage gear at the moment....though more for looks than you know pvp......I'm getting better at it though. What I do like though, cos of my currently maxed Alchemist is the suggestion in regards them and, well, everyone else :) I so hope it's a transmute. I know this will be an actual reference...but only one new stone? Ya what now? And engineers will be able to make more than guns? Squee!! And leads nicely into my question.
Right then, my question, I will be creating both a Worgen and a Goblin. Now as it stands the Worgen will be a hunter, not sure yet as to what the Goblin will be. But I was thinking of making an engineer, but which to make, Goblin or Worgen? Goblin of course has strong RP reasons, but as a hunter engineering could be very useful, even without ammo. Now I know that Skinning and Leatherworking would work well off of the Worgen racial but I already have 3 or is it 4 of them. But I have more Horde, so bikes for all....maybe. So, anyone any ideas? Anyone even reading this? *sighs*
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Music and Screenshots
Now, the game as described by Anea is a fun one, but one that were I to play by the rules I would ultimately fail. You see, I have a problem, yes another one, I seem to have lots don't I, I wish too much money were one, but I digress, the problem in this case is lyrics, I don't hear them, that doesn't sound right, I hear them obviously, but I can't comprehend them, I can on occassion mouth along to them, but my brain just doesn't register them as anything but part of the song, it why instrumental songs sound so different to the full songs to me I guess. So as such I'm playing the game with a twist, the song itself or the name fits the picture, and having said that onto the songs/pictures.

(This is all for now, but this is a post in progress, so I should/might update it soon(ish).)
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Cataclysm and I: Part 2
I wasn't intending to write a part 2, but here is one nonetheless. In regards Cataclysm previews, or any expansion for that matter, there falls in general two kinds of people, those who read everything they can find, and those who want to know nothing. Now I know that not everything is as black and white as that, that there are an infinite shades of grey in between, but you get the idea. Now, up until recently as the Better Half has said I read everything I could find on an expansion, but...now... Now, I'm not so sure, as many of you are aware leaks have started and the biggest collection of things is as ever on MMO-Champion, what in my case was I was looking at the images and going cool and stuff, but.....but.... If I have to put a finger on it, it is the maps and screenshots, I can look at the image models fine, but the other stuff, it made me kind of, well, queasy to look at. I think at heart I am an explorer at heart, I like discovering things within games. I'll give you one example now of one of my favourites, the Venture Co. mine in Mulgore, now most people know of this mine, at the very least. But I doubt many actually go further than is necessary for the quest, I was among those until I got bored and was farming copper one day. The following screenshots are a visual tour if you will of this little visited spot.
The view from the Engineers camp.

This is but one example, but there are more the infamous Dwarven farms for one.....or is it for lots?, mneh.....you get the idea, these types of things I think I want to discover for myself, rather than see third hand as it were.
That said I can stand to see Blizzard's Screenshot of the Day and the odd image, but I'll leave it at that. Though I will be looking looking at the talent trees and spells and what not. I need something to get my 'ooooooh shiney' fix.
That said I can stand to see Blizzard's Screenshot of the Day and the odd image, but I'll leave it at that. Though I will be looking looking at the talent trees and spells and what not. I need something to get my 'ooooooh shiney' fix.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Of Lobh and Gnomes
Lobh is a travelling sort, he is visiting all sorts of interesting places and killing the inhabitants. He has seen many interesting sights on his travels but none such as this below that reach into the dark places in his mind.....or should I say darker....darkest....
An Evening Spent
(My second attempt.......I really should use tags or something.....one day...)
I am not used to this, this feeling a nervousness in my life, but I managed to overcome it. I have seen her, Pilfkin in the city streets. I know from her response to my gift that she was willing to meet with me, but as I know what she looks like and she did not know me, I had to make the first move. And making that move was harder then I thought it would be. This I should have realised through the experiences of my life I have become somewhat aloof from my fellow Blood Elf, I am not as sociable as they are with one another, though I have come to tolerate those of the other races that we are now allied with, you fight beside them it hard not to like them. But that is another matter. Even here in my thoughts it easier to think of the field of battle, then Pilfkin and my....my interest in her.
I introduced myself to her and she thanked me for her gift. It was a simple gesture, but she is worthy of it and more, I think. No, I know. She seemed to feel uneasy in my company at first, but she suggested a walk in the forest, and I was more than happy to accompany her. We talked of simple things as we walked, though she kept looking behind me at times. We stopped at a crossroads considering which path to take and I saw what had been troubling Pilfkin on our way there. I am ever followed by a Haunt, it has followed me so long and been with me that I often forget that he/it is there. I tried to alleviate any worries she had, that the Haunt was a student of mine, akin to how her cousin Naofa was. But this student was brash and foolhardy and well did not learn well, or at all. But he now serves as an object lesson, 'Learn well your lessons and guard yourself well or this is your fate.' Though in saying this I raised her concerns of her cousin. Such concerns are unfounded he learned his lessons well and I no longer see him as someone I had once mentored, but as a Brother-in-Arms of sorts, someone I am willing to fight beside without worry or fear. And there I go again.

As the time passed I felt more at ease in her company and I felt again that there were similarities between us that I wish to...explore. But as the hour grew late, Pilfkin, indicated that she needed to return soon lest she get into trouble with the family and I understood that. I did not expect that we should race nor did I know that she was in possession of the rare white hawkstrider, as once favoured by Kael'thas Sunstrider. Such was my surprise of these that I......that lost the race. Thinking back maybe it was a good thing I lost.
We walked back into the city and we said our goodbyes and I expressed my wish that we could walk together again and she accepted. I am unsure of what the future holds, but at the very least I would see her as my friend, perhaps.......
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