While this post is not a response to
Pilf's latest post, it does have some ties in, but this is something I have been trying to work through. I will not rehash or give more depth, than the posts already given, but I'll assume you have an idea of what has occurred in the past while. I have lost a lot in the past while, but also gained other things, one thing though, in losing I also lost some direction in regards WoW, I have played so long as the half of a team that I am having difficulty playing at he moment, that is not to say that I have not, nor can not play solo, I have done so and do do so successfully many times, but there is something in playing with someone else. Admittedly it is not something I have done in recent times for a variety of reasons, but it is something I have missed.
This is not meant as a finger pointing post, but just a statement. I used to joke that Pilf was the social half of the two us, and that I was just along for the ride, I have found that not to be true. While she can and does make friends more easily than I, and can talk more freely, if the social contact was not there I would miss it. So to my guildies,
all my guildies, I thank you for keeping me sane, going and for putting up with my bouts of textual rantage I have from time to time.
In other news,
this picture just makes me want to play the Worgen even more.