Saturday, February 20, 2010

A start

Right everyone needs a place to start and I am no different.

So.....*looks around*.....*takes a step to the left*, this will do.

Now then, I have both a vice and a problem and one affects the other and the other propagates the one.

The problem is that I have a very, and I do mean very, short attention span. Sort of along the lines of 'train of thou-ooooooo what does that do-oh cool what is this-and this-what was it again-ght. The outcome of this is in part is my doodling, but this is not the time or the place for that topic. Though I will say it a good thing there is no time for idle thought much and when there is there is a pen to run through my fingers. It, my attention span, has been an issue for years, and it tends to annoy my better half quite a bit.

The vice is computer games, all sorts, but the purpose of this....*looks round* one specific game, World of Warcraft. That was kind of anti-climatic wasn't it. There are thousands upon thousands of blogs out there on the subject of Warcraft, this is not going to be like all of them, they are all interesting and have deep and meaningful topics, while this will be well.....not. Did I mention my problem? Yeah, well that is going to be apparent shortly.

Where was I? Oh yes my vice and my problem, I have alts, a lot of alts, or as I prefer to call them my toons. An alt is an alternative to your main character, but if you have no main, just some characters you play as and when you feel like it, what do you call them? Toons. Don't ask me why it just something I picked up along the way, like a lot of things. Somewhere back along shortly after I first started playing I hit upon the idea that if I played a class I could understand it better and thus when I grouped with said class I would know what to expect from it in a group or raid situation. As such I have got about 20+ toons littered across the servers, and yes I realise there aren't that many classes, some I just tend to play more than others. Like tanks. Yes I realise that tank is a spec not a class, but of the 4 80's I have 3 are tanks. A paladin, a druid and a death knight. I'm currently levelling a warrior tank too.

Huh, what was that? Raid? Yes I said the 'magic' word. I used to raid, I raided kara and ZA in tbc, naxx, OS, EoE, Ulduar and TotC, tanking them all. But I hit a problem, or rather two closely linked problems, I wasn't having fun anymore and I was close to burning out, it not just healers who suffer from that problem. I can tell you now the one thing I do miss from raiding and I think the only thing I miss is seeing the instances and the layout of them, the details put in and that's about it really.

The one thing I can't seem to do game wise and this is due to my original problem is make gold, but as I no longer raid, what need for gold have I. The toons you say? I like the challenge in starting from nothing and getting somewhere, it just not where everyone seems to want to be.

To be short and to the point for once, I play to be happy and have fun and it how and what I do with my play time that I will write about. I may even give you some proper history at some point.

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