In the above picture we see the brave Naofa, the first, face down the evil paladin Agrus, whom had just invaded Stormwind to run the Stockade. And no, I'm not calling him evil for being a blood elf, he's my little brother I can call him evil if I want to. Also in this pic you can see Nao and Pilf have been together for a while.

Here they are in Hellfire......isn't Outland gear so very er......stylish.....that's a word for it, not the word you understand but a word certainly.

Here we are at 70, before Wrath hit much better looking gear wise, yes I know I'm vain, not as bad as Bro, but what can I say.... I really like this tabard. Dang I'm going to have to go get it again for the SAN toons.

And Nao at 80. I feel sorry for Nao now and somewhat guilty. His gear since this picture has not improved much and all he gets to do is well....

.....pose on his pink drake.
Moving on to another of my characters, Fiach my hunter.

I was seeing if my wasp was suitable for 5-man instancing......yeah no......
And lastly but by no means least is Fiatim, my druid. I'll just upload a few pictures and let them speak for themselves I think.

And to finish off a random yet beautiful picture.

Good grief I can't believ Pilf looked that bad in Outlands *sniffle*