Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Where I Am

I know I said I was going to list my toons and give a bit of an in-depth behind each one, but wait for it, I got sidetracked, surprised? You shouldn't be, I thought I went over this already.

By what you may ask, ah there in lies the tale, and the reason behind this post. I like many bloggers out there have joined in with Single Abstract Noun, when the Better Half said why don't we join this I, as ever, followed along for the laugh. SAN is, what's the word, oh yeah it's an experience. I will freely admit I am not the most avid of bloggers or blog readers, I am however a huge Warcraft nut. I've played the series from the beginning, so the chance to be guilded with people who are mature, know what they are doing AND can have a laugh, well the opportunity to do that is something I am always on the look for. There is also another reason for enjoying this guild as I do, no guilt or pressure. I am not being forced to level, or instance, or raid. Actually I am under a bit of pressure, on Nao (the second), I had intended to level as ret and to do it properly for once. But ever as there is a lack of tanks, but if I'm honest, most of the pressure is from the Better Half, who if I'm honest I am happy to have on my back about this. It feels almost like second nature for me to tank with her healing and as she has said a time or two, it probably very apparent to any we group with that we have played together a lot.

But Naofa isn't the only toon I have in this guild, there is also Lobh the Blood Death Knight who I originally created to mine ore to feed to Nao, levelling Blacksmithing is a pain, but has ended up as something more, and there is also Seilg the Marksmanship hunter who I transferred over from my home server.

What happens here on in, I'm not sure, but I hope this guild continues on, it's a fun place to be.


  1. Hey, don't feel like you have to tank :) Do whatever you enjoy doing most :) I am glad you are enjoying SAN :) I couldn't agree more with your last sentence :)

  2. **not Snotty, Tam**

    As Issy, says, seriously don't feel like that you have to tank. And actually we have had quite a few come out of the woodwork (including myself - srsly, fear my tanking) and I think there are a fair few folk wanting to "try" it out so there's genuinely no tanking pressure at all. To be honest, I'm enjoying the general relaxed atmosphere to attempt things I've never done before - like tanking. Gulp. It's HARD. Nobody told me that.

  3. There is no pressure really, I just tend to end up tanking as a default. And Tam, I find tanking easy, so easy I'm not sure what I do......er....actually that's a bit of a worry.
