Saturday, May 1, 2010

Of Lobh and Gnomes

Lobh is a travelling sort, he is visiting all sorts of interesting places and killing the inhabitants. He has seen many interesting sights on his travels but none such as this below that reach into the dark places in his mind.....or should I say darker....darkest....

A Gnome buffet with a side of wings.

I have raised an interesting point, does an evil person have a small voice in the back of their minds telling them to do stuff? And is that stuff along the lines of kill, maim, destroy or is it cuddle, hug and love? And which in fact is worse?

1 comment:

  1. Depends on whether you want a Hannibal Lecter or a Dexter kind of sociopath as your character. One is dedicated to his own needs (Hannibal), the other just a vehicle for his Dark Passenger to fulfil it's needs.

    I have that little voice in my RP character and just to listen to that little voice telling me to go and kill this and that, while trying to be a nature loving and civilized is really something worth experiencing... :D

    C out
